It's exciting when we find something that is totally classic and normal but has an new and interesting twist. That's what some of us here at Moxie have found in The Abbey’s Open Mic Series hosted by Corrine Jasmin. According to Corrine, her purpose at these events is to “make sure everyone is having a great time, and to make it a point that everyone and anyone is welcome to stop by, always. It’s really cool to be able to host and curate an event that makes people feel good and smile. It’s all about bringing people out to have a good time!”
For many performers, Open Mic Nights are considered to be beautiful and empowering opportunities; this also stands true for Corrine. She says,
“They expose all of the talent in the city, both established and non. I get to interact with longtime and first time performers, which is really a great experience. There are so many talented people in Pittsburgh on a variety of different planes, and it’s refreshing to see people come out and either support or show their stuff. I love feeling passion in a room! It’s inspiring. I started reading poetry myself at open mic nights (other than maybe reading aloud once in college), so they definitely have a special place in my heart! They’re certainly liberating and motivational.”
The Abbey is a very interesting venue, with some cool history. Before it became a swanky coffee house and bar, it served the Lawrenceville community as a funeral home. Despite the somewhat creepy/mostly cool historical aesthetic of the building, the host & customers seem to be enjoying it. Corrine says, “It’s a very intimate and cozy spot! The energy is warm, and the location is convenient (for those who like to go out in the Bloomfield/Lawrenceville area.) It’s surrounded by many other bars and shops - there’s a lot going on inside and out! You can either catch a really good dinner, an extensive bar menu, or get really great non-alcoholic drinks in the coffeehouse. The coffee house specifically is where the open mic night series is held, and it is the coffeehouse's first ever event! It’s cool to bring further electricity and diversity into the space. Maybe some other events will get going as well. I’ve noticed people seem to really enjoy the vibe.”
Speaking of bringing diversity into the event, Corrine emphasizes that all performers are welcome - anyone who is willing to be bold enough to take the stage that is.
She says, “It’d be great to get people who don’t usually perform so they can get a feel and gain some extra confidence/courage to keep going. We strongly encourage first time performers - however, no matter how long you’ve been in the game, open mic nights are for everyone.”
This Open Mic also focuses its promotional material and headliner time slots on featured artists of various talents. This month’s show title was The Comedian & The Poet and featured local comedian Tyler Ray Kendrick and spoken word artist Grits Capone. When choosing featured artists Corrine says,

“There’s really no specific rhyme or reason besides research and those who reach out for consideration. All artists are welcome to get in touch with me in order to be considered. There’s a lot of talent to sift through in the city, so it isn’t always an easy decision on our end, but there are people who certainly deserve a spotlight in the showcase.”
With more open mics to showcase Pittsburgh’s talent at an intimate venue & warmer days upon us, we have much to look forward to from The Abbey and Corrine Jasmine who says that this event offers, “A different vibe the second Friday of every month. Once the weather is more permanently nice, the patio will be open for more guests. Maybe we’ll move the event outside, who knows! We’re definitely going to try to do something unique each month and try to cater towards all different performers. The event is gaining a following so hopefully more and more people come out to enjoy themselves.”