A passport allows for you to travel freely between places, gain priceless adventures, and learn and experience new things. The Pittsburgh Coffee Passport promotes a similar experience. You can indulge yourself in the cities coffee community, the one that speaks fluent "cortado."
I sat down with Julie Kahlbaugh, one of the creators of the coffee passport to learn about what makes this little ticket so desirable. The passport features local coffee shops that all offer different experiences. You take your passport to each shop, select your drink, and then just like a regular stamped passport, they will punch the shop out of yours so that everyone knows what you've already experienced.
Julie and her fiancé Rodney had the idea to start the coffee passport because they knew that it would really help people discover the shops that Pittsburgh knows and loves. She said, "The shops get 50% of each passport sale, which seems like a lot but our goal isn't to make money, it's to get more people in these coffee shops experiencing what they have to offer."
Julie excitedly talked with me about the newest passport and whats to come, "We started with just a few shops and it was a little confusing in the beginning for all of us, but now that we're gaining some traction and the passport is doing so well, were finally releasing the second edition with some new shops as well."
The Coffee shops featured on the first coffee passport valid through June 30th are:
Artisan cafe
Espresso A Mano
California Coffee Co.
Black Forge
Caffe d’Amore
Mechanic Coffee
Gasoline Street Coffee
La Prima Espresso Co.
The Passport just released the second edition however, and you can now purchase the Passport 2 in any of the following shops, and online. The Coffee Passport 2 includes:
Coffee, Etc.
Tazza d’Oro
Rock N Joe Coffee Bar
Steel Valley Coffee Roasters
Pear and The Pickle
Everyday Cafe
De Fer Coffee and Tea
Cyclops Cafe
Curbside Coffeehouse
Colony Cafe
Photos by: Julie Kahlbaugh
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