Dinosoul, a self-described dark indie-pop band in Pittsburgh, just released their first full-length album Eleven last month, and is now gearing up to release their brand new music video.
The video is for the song “Waiting For You,” which was the band’s second single from the album. Being a very intimate and personal song written about the partnership between Donny Donovan and Carolyn Hilliard, two of the four members of the band, its video will also star the couple. Donny on lead vocals and guitar and Carolyn on vocals and keys are essentially the fronts of Dinosoul, and this song specifically was written about their relationship and the trials and tribulations that come with loving another person.
Donny and Carolyn explained how the song is a lesson on the mirroring of emotions in a relationship, how the emotions felt by one person in the relationship may actually reflect back on he or she and be something that is necessary to analyze for the healthy growth and development of not only the person but the relationship as well. “If there’s an issue between you and a person, that’s something you need to look at within also, because it’s not always just the other person. A lot of times it’s you also, and it’s hard to admit. That’s what relationships are about,” Carolyn explained. The couple, who have been together for a little over 3 years, noted that the takeaway is deep and meaningful, but it’s to hopefully teach people that fighting through the hurdles of a relationship has such a great reward at the end, and to not give up when times get rough.
The song itself is a more intense and moodier track on the album, slow but with intense build ups as the chorus comes around. The lyrics seem sad, but that’s exactly where the lesson it teaches comes in. We wait around for someone that makes the negative emotions worth experiencing to grow separately and together as a whole. “Waiting for You” is a song dripping with emotion and the video to come will give fans a true inside look to the loving partnership these two share.
The video for “Waiting for You” has only just finished editing, and will be released in the next month or so. To keep up with Dinosoul and the release of the music video, you can follow them on Facebook and Instagram @dinosoulmusic. Listen to “Waiting for You,” embedded below, and check out their album Eleven on Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp and more.

Photos by Scott Kostelnik and Akayla Tierre Bennett