Artist and owner of Moon and Yarn Bryanne Boring-Miscoe started off her early 20s just as most of us do: graduating from school, taking a decent enough job in our field, all while feeling like our lives are worth more.

Bry would work the night shift at her job at a newspaper, and come home to find that everyone around her including her very talented boyfriend, had a creative outlet outside of work to help keep them sane. “I wanted to have a hobby. I would come home to David doing his hand lettering, and my other crafty friends showing off their projects, and I felt creatively lazy. Even in a design position that was supposed to be creative on its own, I still felt like everyone around me had other interests and I didn’t have anything like that.”
She took to the creative buyers and sellers site ‘Etsy’ in search of something to fill her time. “I went to the DIY project kit page and just picked out weaving. I did some research and studied different yarns and yarn weights before my kit came in the mail hoping to be well equipped to start, but fully expecting it to be so monotonous and hard that I’d never get the hang of it.”
Weaving had the opposite effect on Bry, however. She spent so much time taking workshops, learning patterns, and exploring her own style that she eventually decided her mental health was far more important than continuing to work at her job she didn’t like very much.

“At first it was just a meditative hobby for me. I’d work night shift, and come home and weave myself to sleep, but then I started to want to spend more time weaving and creating and eventually just decided to quit the paper and take a part time job but focus primarily on making more.”
Since then Bry has been looking into new ventures and making a plan for Moon and Yarn’s future. She said that eventually she’d like to have a studio where she could teach, and encourage other makers to make more as well.
More immediately though, Moon and Yarn is hosting a Weaving Workshop for beginners at Cyclops Café in Bellevue on June 3rd. The event runs with the price of the $50 ticket you get all materials provided to you including a loom and tools. Bry will be focusing on basic stitches and shapes, and you’ll even have the opportunity to purchase the tools at the end if you enjoy the new hobby!
Tickets are available at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/learn-to-weave-workshop-tickets-45175588401?aff=efbeventtix